Kelly Sans Culotte

US Politics

Inaugural Streets
Who will be there?

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JAN. 19, 2005. As George W. Bush gloats over the beginning of his second term in the most expensive inauguration ever, tens of thousands of protesters will take to the streets of Washington, D.C. The only question after the media blackout of his first inauguration in 2001, is whether anyone will see them.
This site is a clearing house for activist groups and individual protesters. In addition to a calendar of events in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere (you can submit your own event), they've created ride and housing boards to help activists plan their trips to the capital.

DC Anti-War Network (DAWN)
The rally and march sponsored by DAWN (along with United for Peace and Justice) will probably be the largest counter-inaugural protest in the U.S. capital. The day begins at 9:00 AM with a rally in Malcolm X Park (north of the White House) to protest "[the] President's destructive actions at home and abroad." From there, protesters will march towards the White House, reaching McPherson Square in time to join protesters along the inaugural parade route.

Among the goals of the protest (from their website) is creating "a world that looks out for all those who are now oppressed, including the poor, women, racial minorities, workers, the disabled, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered, as well as the earth and its creatures."

Anarchist Resistance
Anarchist resistance is involved in protests and events throughout inauguration week in Washington, D.C. Includes January 20: Anarchist March and Anti-Authoritarian Bloc, and Not My President! Punk Rock Counter-Inaugural Ball

ANSWER has planned what they're calling a "mass convergence" along the route of the inaugural parade. They're organizing bus transportation from cities around the country to Washington, D.C.

Billionaires for Bush
The Billionaires have planned a series of events from January 19-21 for "the re-coronation" of President Bush. Their website details the events and provides links to information on DC residents' objections to the diversion of almost $12 million from their Homeland Security budget to pay for the inauguration.

Code Pink
The women's peace group Code Pink is planning protests for Washington, D.C. as well as other locations across the country. Their Washington protests are planned to coordinate with those of other activist groups like NOW, the DC Anti-War Network, Billionaires for Bush and the Reagan Home for the Criminally Insane. Check out their January 19: "Texas BBQ and Corporate Hoe Down" protest at the Black Tie and Boots Ball and January 20: Women's March and Funeral Procession (will specifically mourn losses on the gay rights front)

Jazz Funeral for Democracy
New Orleans activists are staging a traditional jazz funeral, which they've dubbed "a wake for peace." A horse-drawn hearse will carry a mock coffin containing copies of the Patriot Act and the U.S. Constitution through the streets, led by a Dixieland brass band. A rally will follow with speakers including author Howard Zinn.

The jazz funeral concept has also been picked up by the organizers of the Women's March and Funeral (see Code Pink above).

Turn Your Back on Bush
This group is organizing a non-violent, silent protest to take place during the inauguration parade that follows the swearing-in ceremony. Protests will join spectators lining parade route and turn their backs on Bush's motorcade as it passes.

Their website includes maps of the parade route, suggestions for planning local protests elsewhere, and resources for non-violence training.

Various One-Day Boycotts
A number of organizations and individual activists have been forwarding an email urging Americans to join in a 24-hour-long boycott of all forms of consumer spending on Inauguration Day to protest the war in Iraq. The email, which seems to have surfaced in December 2004 has been (falsely) attributed to TV journalist Bill Moyers.

The best-know of the groups:
Not One Damn Dime Day

Other related protests:
Black Thursday:
Bush Blackout (website blackout):

Although the idea of bringing the American economy to its knees is an appealing one, short-term boycotts such as this tend to have little impact on large corporations.

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