Current | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | Search
Taiwan: New Threats to Democracy
Including a divided legislature, crony capitalism, and sleazy lessons from America's Monica Lewinsky era. If you don't like the Presidentimpeach him.
Iran: A Mother Takes On The Ayatollah
While Iran's hardline Muslims shut down reformist newspapers, and parade 'errant' journalists through court, lesbian, gay and transgendered people struggle to survive. Meet an unlikely activist.
Venezuela and the Oil Crisis: The Colonial Script
Will election year Washington cast Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's independent-minded President, as oil crisis villain? A peek at Iran, Cuba disasters gives us a preview of the consequences.
Iraqi Bombshells Still!
Ten years after the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, and 9 after the Gulf War, the U.S. and Allies are still dropping bombs in Iraq. (8-20-00)
Iran: Press, Pop, Big Oil
The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei intervened in Tehran to kill free press legislation, while Googoosh, an Iranian diva sang from the safety of Vancouver, Canada "Why is it these days that singing is a crime?" and Hugo Chavez waits in the wings.
The Beijing-Taipei Shimmy
In the ritualistic extravaganza of China-Taiwan relations, the inter-national dialogue seems to take place only in the press. Will it lead to change, or to war? (7-25-00)
Lesbian and Gay Taiwan: A Yardstick of Democracy
What does the state of lesbian and gay Taiwan tell us about Taiwan's new society? An overview through martial law, and the first years of democracy. (6-1-00)
Indigestible Taiwan
The revolving door colonialism of Taiwan's history, and current state of Taiwan-China relations. (4-10-00)
Showdown in the Sour Pacific
The implication of Taiwan's March 18 presidential election which will put the Nationalists out of business for the first time since 1949. (3-24-00)
Current | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | Search