Kelly Sans Culotte

Last Word on The Gully
Democracy in danger. 4.3.06

Thus Spake The Profit
Cartoon by Scardie Anon. 4.3.06

George W. Pinochet?
Guantánamo — the gulag of our times. (6-1-05)

Torture and America
So this is us. (5-13-04)

US Occupation of Iraq Draws Global Protests
From D.C. to Seoul, demonstrators demand hands off. (10-30-03)

Bush in Translation
What Bush really meant in his September 23 speech at the United Nations. (9-25-03)
Annan: "History is a harsh judge"
Chirac: "Multilateralism... is a guarantee of legitimacy and democracy"
Bush: "The clearest of divides"

UN: Latin America in Unison
They're critical of the United States... without naming it. (9-25-03)

Is Tony Blair spun out?
Living, and dying, by spin. The Kelly affair.

The Iraqniad
Iraq, Iran and the axis of Ira. (5-28-03)

America, My Love
Uncle Sam and a gay immigrant from the land of the Islamic bomb. (5-20-03)

Cuba: Last Gasp?
Or same old song and dance? While eyes are on Iraq.

Iraq War Won't Help the Homos
Western domination with a gun in one hand, a gay rights manual in the other. (4-15-03)

Hell, Conquering Hero
Baghdad — or Belfast? (4-03-03)

Antiwar Austin, Texas
Despite media and cops. (4-03-03)

Video: New York Queers Say No To War
As the US bombed Baghdad on Saturday, March 22,
lgbt New Yorkers came out en masse — against the war.

George Does The Azores
At "peace" summit, George W. Bush issues ultimatum for war. (3-17-03)

Tugs of War
With sneers and threats, Bush bolsters the antiwar effort. (3-14-03)

Photos: Women's Demo DC
Responding to a "Code Pink" alert, several thousand women and supporters marched in DC on International Women's Day to protest against the planned U.S. war in Iraq.

Millions Marched, Now What?
After last weekend's massive rallies, antiwar demonstrators worldwide are planning their next steps.

Photos: NYC antiwar protest February 15, 2003
From queer unions to former workers at the World Trade Center. (2-22-03)

Record Antiwar Demos Worldwide
This weekend, between 8 and 12 million people worldwide participated in demonstrations against the planned U.S. war in Iraq. (2-16-03)

Taking to the Streets For Peace in NYC
Hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers took to the streets in an antiwar protest, Saturday, February 15, 2003. The Gully caught it on video. (2-16-03)

Powell's Battle Cry — or Whine?
In his speech to the UN Security Council Colin Powell presented evidence that Iraq violated UN resolution 1441, but did he justify a war? (2-6-03)
Part 1 transcript Powell speech
Part 2 transcript Powell speech

Shakira Knows
Colombian pop superstar, Shakira, struck a blow for world peace at her sold out Madison Square Garden concert. (11-22-02)

Opposition Isn't Enough
Why antiwar activists need to hold their noses and consider "national security." (11-6-02)

The Invisible Opposition to Bush's War
Can anti-war protesters be effective if they don't get media attention? (10-23-02)

Remembering September 11th as a Queer Muslim
Since 9/11, the world has changed. The "war on terrorism" has turned our communities into a battleground. And the Islamic principles of peace, social justice, and tolerance seem distant. (9-12-02)

The Next Iraq War: Why Everyone Should Oppose It
Including why this war is an lgbt issue. (9-5-02)

Mortal Danger
From a country that can't shoot down a single plane? (9-1-02)

Slouching Towards Iraq
Despite the enthusiastic dissidents in Berlin, the fate of Afghanistan bodes ill for a U.S.-invaded Iraq. (8-23-02)

Gay Muslims in the Post-Attack World
The Gully speaks with Pakistani-American, Faisal Alam, who talks about being gay and Muslim as hate crimes surge in the U.S., and queers abroad bear the brunt of Bush's uncritical choice of allies. (10-27-01)

Will Bush Unstick Head from Middle East Sand?
As violence between Palestinians and Israelis continued to spiral out of control, Bush and Cheney pretend the world does not exist. (5-23-01)

Middle East: Colin Powell and the Burning Bush
As U.S. bombers hit Iraq, Colin Powell breezes through the Middle East, hitting six countries in four days. Palestinians aren't impressed. (2-26-01)

Iraqi Bombshells — Still!
Ten years after the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, and 9 after the Gulf War, the U.S. and Allies are still dropping bombs in Iraq. (8-20-00)

Rumsfeld's model military: creating stability or insurgency?
Counterpunch (US)

Iraq's civil war nightmare

Neither war nor bombs can stay these Iraq couriers
New York Times (registr. req'd)



New York Times: Iraq (registr.)
Yahoo!: Iraq
Agence France Presse (AFP) — Eng.
Le Monde — Fr.
Daily Briefing: media issues
The Guardian: Iraq (UK)
The Guardian's daily updates of antiwar mov't
The Economist: Iraq (UK) Iraq
Payvand News of Iran



The Weekly Standard (US)
National Review (US) (US)
The New Republic (US)


The Nation (US)
The Atlantic (US)
Salon (US)
Le Monde Diplomatique (Fr.)



World Factbook: Iraq
EPIC: Education for Peace in Iraq
Who's who in Iraqi opposition
Iraq: Consequences of War
Asia Times: Getting Saddam
The Guardian: Why Attack Iraq?
Newsday: Fearing Post-Saddam Regime


Stop the War Coalition: Int'l
Guardian: updates of antiwar mov't
Guardian: guide to anti-war sites
Not in Our Name
International A.N.S.W.E.R.
Pax Christi, USA
National Youth and Student Peace Coalition
Queers for Peace and Justice, join by e-mailing QueersForPeaceAndJustice
OutAgainstTheWar Network, join by e-mailing OutAgainstTheWar

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